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Twitter question on followers?? - Printable Version

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Twitter question on followers?? - Sarah - 08-07-2013 04:55 PM

i followed about 100 famous people on twitter there and now all of these randomers are following me that don't even follow that person. why do they follow me and how can i get them to stop?

- Katy - 08-07-2013 04:57 PM

That's basically the whole point on Twitter. People follow you. You can't really get them to stop.

- Emma - 08-07-2013 05:10 PM

If you don't want them following you I would suggest making your account private so you get to choose who is allowed to follow you and who isn't. I am sorry that they found you, sometimes they are just spammers, so do not follow them.

Hope this helped Smile

- Megan - 08-07-2013 05:12 PM

you could set ur account to private so people have to send u a request to follow you and only ur followers can see ur tweets.

- raymund - 08-07-2013 05:26 PM

Hi Sarah. I suggest that you do these two things:

1. revoke the access of any third party applications that you no longer need at your Account Connections page. You'll find it at

2. change your password at

- Daniel - 08-07-2013 05:41 PM

They Follow you Because They Like What you Post What you Can Do is Remove them From your Followers List Block them Or you Can Set your Twitter Account To Private By Going to Settings than Select Protect my Tweets And Than They wont Be Able to Follow you Anymore Unless you Approve them