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FACEBOOK/ POSTING/Mentioning Ronda Rousey? - Printable Version

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FACEBOOK/ POSTING/Mentioning Ronda Rousey? - Xave - 08-08-2013 04:06 PM

Im a fan of Ronda Rousey and I liked her Facebook page. After liking the page, several days after while i was online, A post pop out of my Timeline, when I looked at it to see who posted it, it was someone I didnt know. She wanst my friend or anything like that, the only thing that we have in common is that we both liked ROnda Rousey's page.

In her post, she mentioned Ronda Rousey once. My question is, how did that post appearded on my timeline???????? Cause I tried posting something, mentioning a page and a friend of mine also liked that page that I mentioned, so I asked him to check if my post will appear on his timeline, since we both liked that page, but It didnt.. We're friends and my post about a page we both liked didnt appear on his timeline, while a total Stranger, mentioned a page that I liked (Ronda Rousey) and it appeared on my timeline....

Can somebody please tell me how it works cause it's driving me f#cking nuts!!!!!!! Thanks in advance.. peace..

- Obama - 08-08-2013 04:19 PM


- stillbecky2000 - 08-08-2013 04:20 PM

The difference was you only liked the page, and that is different than being friends with someone. Anyone you are friends with some of their posts will appear on your timeline and some of your posts will appear on their timeline. I had a bad experience by befriending someone and one of her friends messaged me some smack and it got real ugly. The only way I could get the messaging to stop is to "unfriend" the person who was friends with the mean messenger. Once you are friends with someone you are therorectically "friends" with all of their friends.
I was on an online dating service and this guy was messaging me and talking to meet me. I went to his facebook page and found out he was married. I messaged everyone one of his friends and told them what he was doing. LOL That is not the first time I busted a cheating married man. Gotta love facebook (sometimes) and other times, not so much.
That is why you go into your security settings and figure out who you want to contact you. Hope this helps. Smile