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How can I business WITHOUT social media? - Printable Version

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How can I business WITHOUT social media? - GOD - 10-12-2012 11:43 PM

Anyone have any ideas to promote my brand new small business without Facebook or other social media? I tried it, and even paid for FB advertising, but it's just lost out in cyberspace and I don't have many fans.

I tried blogging, but no matter how frequently I wrote, nobody comments or follows. Right now I probably have 6 blog posts.

Ideas? I'm losing hope here.
EDIT: Title meant to say "How can I PROMOTE my business..." Sorry!

- Clifton - 10-12-2012 11:51 PM

Don't give up on social media just yet. I don't think that you have given it enough time to see if it works.

If you compared the traditional marketing methods to social media, you will discover that the traditional methods are a lot MORE expensive than the social media methods.

Traditional methods include purchasing advertising in newspapers, magazines, radio and television and, of course, direct mailings. These are all expensive to conduct and require to make a continuous ad campaign in order to break through the NOISE of other advertisers. Go ahead, get yourself some quotes for these traditional marketing venues and then make the comparison for yourself.

The best course of action is to continue to write your blogs. People will respond to your content if it adds to their understanding of something they are interested or a point of view that informs and educates or that speaks to their particular concerns. Keep writing because it is improving your ability to connect with your audience.