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Do you think that Facebook is a good or bad thing? - Printable Version

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Do you think that Facebook is a good or bad thing? - .::Lola::. - 08-08-2013 06:17 PM

I am on Facebook, but only to keep in touch with my friends and family. I think that it's an evil thing though, people do bad things on there; cheat on their gfs/bfs, get into arguments, meet people they don't know, post... let's just say "revealing" photographs of themselves, etc. Whats your opinion? All answers appreciated.

- mushypeas - 08-08-2013 06:21 PM

it can be a useful social tool but personally I hate it. Its ok to post photos and keep in touch with friends etc but some people spend their lives on there which is sad

- Daniel Kocir - 08-08-2013 06:30 PM

Hmmmm... Good place to talk with people.. But.. Theres that people are adicted to facebook and they are doing really bad things on facebook that they should not do..... That things like someone will meet unknown people, then find really good people.. But they are living too far away from us.. And thats a problem.. Also people are forgetting about reality.....

- Hufflepuff FTW - 08-08-2013 06:37 PM

It's definitely good that you can keep in touch with friends and family and get into free conversations with them where ever they are. With the ideas of meeting people you don't know, fake accounts, revealing photos and so on; it's down to what you set your privacy settings to. You can block people or ignore strange friend requests because it's down to your actions.

- Jeremiah - 08-08-2013 06:40 PM

Good thing.

- karl - 08-08-2013 06:49 PM

I feel facebook itself cant be put into a category of good or bad, facebook is simply a way of communicating and sharing. It depends on who you are friends with and what pages you have liked. It is the people that you associate yourself with on facebook that determines if it is good or bad for you. However i would say that it is addictive and alot of people spend too much time on it, and also i'd say people subconsciously compare themselves to others, for example if a friend uploads a photo of themselves with their boy/girl friend, or a picture of a lovely new car they have just bought or whatever, these are all things we compare ourselves too, subconsciously i think we put ourselves down alot when we see others with a supposed better life.

- Luis - 08-08-2013 07:05 PM

I was so consumed with social media, that I felt the only way to get away from it all was to delete all of the sites I belonged to (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Kik/Whatsapp/Keek) - and although at first you feel something is missing, I started to feel as though I had more time on my hands, could concentrate more on my work and felt a lot more positive.

I think the foundation of them - Facebook in relation to your post - to connect with friends and family is good and positive, but they become a source of obsession and breed judgement, envy, anger and annoyance towards others, which is what makes them negative.

I still keep in contact with people through texts and calls, but I feel I'm more active, I don't feel the need to check up on anyone, and to know what's going on in the world I downloaded the BBC news app, so not completely out of sync.

They're good, but like everything in life, in small doses and unfortunately they've bred a culture of obsession.

- Jollygrape952 - 08-08-2013 07:14 PM

It isn't the technology that is bad because of those things, it's the people who use it. People can just as easily do bad things without Facebook as with it.

No, I don't think Facebook is a bad thing, I think some of the people on it are bad people.

- Bobby - 08-08-2013 07:29 PM

I think Facebook is a good thing, it just depends on how people treat it. For me, it's sort of an album for all my great experiences. You know, photos and statuses that show important events. It's also great for talking to people and showing them pictures from long distances.

- iluvfashionshow - 08-08-2013 07:45 PM

People become stalkers if they use facebook often. you can look who your friends are dating. it sounds cheesy to say its invasion of privacy. but i hace people come up to me and ask why i desactivate facebook or why i did this or that on facebook. It's really creepy knowing people do check on your facebook. I wish i could have desactivated, but i don't want to be left out from something or be branded as anti-social (though it's all in my head)