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What the F is wrong with my facebook? - Printable Version

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What the F is wrong with my facebook? - iolerkaitoikergams - 08-09-2013 10:42 AM

Hi everyone
This is what my facebook looks like right now:

Before that I couldn't see any pictures or icons or smileys, they were crashed
And after a little while I couldn't do anything in facebook anymore, I can click on messages or whatever, It's just plain white page. Been like this for 3 hours already. Is it a virus?
Any advice would be helpful,
I also cleared browsing data already and my internet connection is working just fine. Smile

- Guitar Gal - 08-09-2013 10:45 AM

Most of the time mine does this when I have a REALLY slow internet connection.

- Drizzy - 08-09-2013 11:00 AM

This happened to me before, I also have google chrome. It's not your facebook, just keep refreshing the page or use a different browser. If that doesn't work then reboot your computer or try again later