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Why some people put chain-letters on Social Networking sites? - Printable Version

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Why some people put chain-letters on Social Networking sites? - Calvin Bowling - 08-09-2013 11:00 PM

Almost every time I go to an social networking site like Facebook, I always find these annoying chain letters on comment pages. For example, "REPOST OR YOU'LL DIE AT 10:45PM..." In your own opinion, why people always put chain letters on social sites?

- Sydney - 08-09-2013 11:16 PM

I know. I hate it. I get frightened easily and I hate them. People do it so they can get more people to share,comment or like their pictures. Do not fall for them. In fact, of u find another one, you should report it. Chain letters are illegal.

- Maria - 08-09-2013 11:32 PM

1~ They are gulible
2~ They think it's "cool" (It's not cool, it's illegal!)
3~ Their social media acc was hacked. (that mostly is stuff like, I got a ipod for free blah blah)
4~ Report or mark as spam next time you see one. We can't have this stuff all over the internet, we as a community of human beings need to do something about this. We have to bring people attention to the fact that this is I-L-L-E-G-A-L! D:
Have a wonderful day dear. c:

- Izzy - 08-09-2013 11:35 PM

A lot of times it's because the person who is posting them is a young kid. Around the ages of 13-18. Although, other times I see people well past their teen years following the chain-letters. Personally, I just ignore them and don't think much of em' besides the fact they are annoying as heck. Also, many huge pages with admins or just normal pages with people with 1,000+ subscribers (mostly the people that have "good looks" or are considered cool) post chain-letters. Many even do stupid things like post pictures of them fucking their dog or eating a tampon for popularity on Facebook. These chain-letters are just another way to get likes and get noticed. Typically it's people like that as well that post these chain-letters. So, basically if you post chain letters it proves that you're an idiot. They shouldn't scare anyone, and the fact people think they are real in any way makes me rage.

- Miss Capri - 08-09-2013 11:50 PM

You're right, it is really annoying, and they don't just show up as comments, but as statuses as well.

The short answer/opinion from here is:

1. Chain letters are started by either trolls or else people who don't know any better and get the notion that it's 'fun'.

2. People are gullible or else naive/young/internet newbies who can be easily duped by hoax posts.

For more info:​%20Who%20Starts%20Them​petuating

And just for the heck of it, FB chain statuses and how annoyed they make me:

Blog memes drive me around the bend, too.

- abraXus - 08-09-2013 11:59 PM

usually because they are little kids who dont even know what a chain letter is... and they are always looking for something to post to get attention