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How can facebook or flicker own your photos? - Printable Version

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How can facebook or flicker own your photos? - Candy Society - 08-10-2013 03:56 AM

How do sites where you upload music, pictures and writings own any of your works?
If you agree to a terms saying you agree that they own it, couldn't you make a contract with yourself first saying you own your photos?
It cost about 20 dollars to send a document to the copyright office, their is no way that these big companies copyright every single photo uploaded, it would cost too much money.
I think these companies have no legal way of owning your things, uploaded with agreement or not.
I just want to know your opinions on this matter, because I've noticed some talk about this online.

- bcnu - 08-10-2013 04:03 AM

They don't own the copyright, they don't WANT to own the copyright, they don't NEED to own the copyright. They UNIVERSALLY state that you continue to own the copyright. All they want is a license to reproduce, distribute, modify, publicly display or publicly perform things you upload.

Show me any terms of service that you think state otherwise. We will show you that you are wrong.

Also, why on EARTH would anyone "send a document to the copyright office"?? The copyright office doesn't hand out copyrights. You already owned your copyright from the moment you created the first draft of your creative works of original authorship. You would only register your ownership in the US copyright office if you need a certificate to attach to a federal lawsuit. 17 USC 511. Most countries don't even HAVE anyplace in which to register because it is completely unnecessary for ownership of copyright in over 160 countries (including the USA).

- Tim - 08-10-2013 04:08 AM

First, Flickr and Facebook do not own your photos. You do. But you do need to grant them a license to display them, which is what the Terms of Service state.

The contract question makes no sense.

Yes, many companies register the copyright on everything. I copyright about 25,000 images a year. You can copyright a collection of works for $35. I do it 4 times per year. You do not need to pay $35 per image.