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Why do I keep getting 30 day bans on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do I keep getting 30 day bans on Facebook? - john - 08-10-2013 05:35 AM

I can't like, comment, add friends, respond to messages, it's really annoying. The only things I can do are update my status and share things.

I don't send out friend requests at all, I don't spam anything, I don't "like" things too much, I'm not abusive and never post inappropriate stuff. I don't do anything, basically all I do is comment and send messages to friends, I also manage a couple of pages (even more frustrating is that I can only post and I can't respond to my fans when they comment). Facebook thinks my account is fake. They're sort of right, I don't use my real name (though I do use a real-sounding name) and information for privacy reasons but I still want to be able to connect to my friends, which I know in real life and I tell them where they can add me. I keep having to verify by email and cell phone number and I still get the bans. I'm so frustrated, I'm thinking of just making another account or quitting Facebook altogether.

- asdf - 08-10-2013 05:36 AM

Even if you don't do much other than comment or anything, is it possible that someone is reporting you anyways? Did you possibly piss someone off and they are getting revenge by reporting you as a fake profile because they know it's fake? This has happened to a friend of mine before. As long as people report you on Facebook, you pretty much get the consequences whether it's true or not.

Perhaps it's something that you post on your pages? For example, I had a somewhat large Facebook page and I was targeted because of that. People would report that and it got some temp bans. Eventually it got deleted, then they reported me because they knew I was the admin, unfortunately.

You can just activate your profile with your phone if you haven't already done that with another Facebook profile.

- Annie - 08-10-2013 05:52 AM

Facebook is also doing this to me. It's getting on my last nerve. This is happening because of hackers and trolls on Facebook that report you just for fun. Don't bother trying to contact Facebook about it because they NEVER listen to anybody! My suggestion is to not use Facebook ever again.