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has facebook ruined your friendship? - Printable Version

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has facebook ruined your friendship? - Marybeth - 08-10-2013 07:02 AM

Horrible posts on facebook have totally changed my opinion about certain friends and as hard as I try I cannot or do not want to continue to consider them a friend. I'm so grossed out by what I can only assume are their true feelings. I've remained on facebook but have severed or limited contact with some people. I think it's probably not fair to them but I cannot seem to put those feelings aside. It has made me aware that my 'posts' and 'likes' can be construed as a reflection of my personal philosophy. No pictures of my lunch, reports on my day-to-day functions and or inspirational quotes. Has this happened to others?

- DANNYBOY - 08-10-2013 07:03 AM

It has happened to a majority of us, but what we should remember is this kind of friendship is a virtual friendship where jealousy and backbiting rule the roost than genuine affection and companionship. It is better we do not give them any importance, and if they make a nuisance of themselves block them. Yes, you have done the right thing in severing or limiting contact. You need not worry about hurting their feelings as they know that they will be exposed at anytime.