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How can I prevent my friend from being able to view my posts? - Printable Version

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How can I prevent my friend from being able to view my posts? - Anne - 08-10-2013 01:44 PM

I have this friend on Facebook and her and I have 3 mutual friends.

I recently haven't been having the greatest relationship with her but I don't want to delete her. I have good relationships with the 3 mutual friends, though.

I don't want her to be able to see my posts anymore and I know that you can customize your posts and choose who can view your posts. However, even if I include her name to not be able to view my posts, I'm afraid that if one of our 3 mutual friends comments on my posts, that those posts will appear on her news feeds and she will be able to view my post along with their comments.

How does this work? Will she be able to see the posts (that I post) that our mutual friends comment on?

- abraXus - 08-10-2013 01:51 PM

just add her to your restricted list and the mutual friends commenting shouldnt be an issue

but those mutual friends could just share your post, then she would be able to see it

- Craig - 08-10-2013 01:54 PM

That is a possibility I am sure that you can choose people to not see your posts, but sharing mutual friends may not make it completely secure, but the friend you want to block may only see their remarks to your posts too it is tough to say how it actually works, but you can try just manipulate the setting how you want them and type a test post have your friends you want to see it remark, and see if she does, make it simple just say you are having problems with your facebook postings so if you see this one please respond so I know I got it fixed.

- Respectedoatmeal082 - 08-10-2013 02:07 PM

go to your timeline, then click in the field (like when you want to start typing post), then click on the text left to the post button then click on the custom, then add your friend to the field (Don't share this with). thats all

- dezzy94 - 08-10-2013 02:09 PM

put her on the restricted list but even doing this she'll relise something is up when ur posts dry up from her news feed but she wont be able to see the posts u post that ur mutual friends post on!