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Why should we keep facebook? - Printable Version

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Why should we keep facebook? - Jennaria - 08-11-2013 03:59 AM

I'm doing a debate and sadly I'm on the difficult side. Please give me a few reasons on why Facebook should not be banned. I'm almost certain that the opposing side would say that it is not safe and cyber bullying may occur.

- Joe - 08-11-2013 04:11 AM

Because it helps us be more social.
It's a good way to keep in contact with people after school etc.
It's a good way to plan stuff.
You can find out news off of people.
Keeping in touch with relatives.

You could say as a argue meant to cyber bullying that you can just block people as I guess you've already thought of Wink

I couldn't really think of any good ones either, good luck Smile

- Jaymar - 08-11-2013 04:26 AM

since this is a bit of a debate, i'll counter!

Because it helps us be more social
-it might make you interact more on fb, doesn't mean people will interact back with you, depends on the 2 people in question.
It's a good way to keep in contact with people after school etc.
- i agree but there are many alteratives
It's a good way to plan stuff.
-get a online/offline calendar etc
You can find out news off of people.
-yet the accuracy and context are diluted or lost together sometimes
Keeping in touch with relatives.
-many ways to do that too.

because its good and bad, depending on users, it comes down to freedom of choice, the majority deems facebook is ok for now at least. ask the question again when facebook makes you pay to use it (eventually it will, companies revenues cant stand still), or governments start thinking its a neat idea etc

- Daniel - 08-11-2013 04:27 AM

It Helps Us Connect With Friends and Family Especially ones that are Far Away that We Know in Real Life

- Crazyrock171 - 08-11-2013 04:35 AM

Facebook sucks.

- Leaf - 08-11-2013 04:39 AM

Why we should keep facebook?

-Helps keep in contact with families and friends for no cost since it's all free

Why we should ban facebook?

-It destroys social relationship
-People are foolishly believing that they are making a difference by liking a picture
-Gets too addictive

To be honest, I have a Facebook but it's really hard to come up with reasons to keep Facebook rather than to ban.