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Someone I don't know on Facebook is trying to contact me? - Printable Version

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Someone I don't know on Facebook is trying to contact me? - Me, Myself - 08-11-2013 10:16 AM

There's this person who contacted me and told me that she thinks we're related, she sent me a bunch of long paragraphs about her life. The paragraphs hardly made sense and it was all very weird, so I went onto her facebook and I saw that she listed me as someone is her family? I have never seen or talked to this woman in my life, she lives many states away from me. Plus, I am seventeen years old so I'm still a minor.
Should I just delete my facebook for good? (I rarely use my facebook anyways, just to keep in touch with a few people)

- summerlilies - 08-11-2013 10:23 AM

Block ignore them

- Vanessa - 08-11-2013 10:30 AM

I had the same situation as you with a guy from India!!! I blocked him then I reported him for abuse I suggest you do the same! It can be creepy I know but block her and if you want report her but you don't have you erase your Facebook at all! Good luck!

- Tina - 08-11-2013 10:33 AM

ask her a few questions but not to serious and try to understand them seems as u didn'tt understand her paragraph and if u think u no her add her if u don't tell her that u don't think your related and delete her Smile happy to help

- Roxy X. - 08-11-2013 10:34 AM

Well, personally I would just block the person. If she says she's related to you it might be just to get your information like, where you live, or how old you are, But she might just be mistaken. But, just to be safe it'd be best if you just block her.