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Should I delete my Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I delete my Facebook? - Robert - 08-12-2013 02:46 AM

Ever since I been using Facebook, I been constantly spamming my statuses with random thoughts without realizing that people on my friend's list were annoyed by them. Statuses posting such as complaints, racism, memes, offensive materials, inappropriate pictures, anything that I never thought of realizing that these things goes public for everyone to see on their newsfeed, and from this, my reputation amongst my peers has been destroyed, and how they view me would not be the same how it once was before. Facebook has been too addictive lately that it was distracting me from my college life, making me procrastinate. I was thinking about deleting it, but the thought of it is not that easy, like how would I able to keep in contact with all of my friends if I were to delete my Facebook? How would I keep in touch with them and other events that they want to invite me to? Facebook has been the only social website that allows me to get these information.

- mani - 08-12-2013 02:59 AM

FaceBook is stupid , all you do is scrolling UP and DOWN for hours,
i deleted my facebook account for about 3 months now , i start blogging, its much better

- Joanne - 08-12-2013 03:13 AM

Not being funny, but sounds like your life revolves around facebook! Pick up the phone and invite your friends out!
Doesn't need to be over Facebook, especially if its making you act like that!

- Daniel - 08-12-2013 03:25 AM

Its Up to you If you Want to Get Off Facebook Go ahead and Delete it if you Dont Than Dont its your Choice