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What is Social Media Optimization? - Printable Version

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What is Social Media Optimization? - Aapika - 10-13-2012 12:56 AM

anyone know about the Social Media Optimization or SMO please tell me..

- Jomari - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content. SMO is one of two online methods of website optimization; the other method is called search engine optimization or known by many as SEO.

- Jacob Adam - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

It’s a one of the techniques of Search engine marking. It’s a methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website content.

There are two categories of social media optimization:

(a) Social media features added to the content itself, including: RSS feeds, social news and sharing buttons, user rating and polling tools, and incorporating third-party community functionalities like images and videos
(b) Promotional activities in social media aside from the content being promoted, including: blogging, commenting on other blogs, participating in discussion groups, and posting status updates on social networking profiles

- Alok - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

The technicalities involved with wiring SEO are not the same processes required to boost visibility in social networks like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. And it’s in social networks like these where people are increasingly spending time communicating, finding relevant and interesting content, and sharing it with their connections. So now, in addition to SEO, we have to implement and manage a Social Media Optimization (SMO) program around our content to increase visibility in these new environments.

- farah - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

It's a way to get back links to your blog or your site to boost your page ranking with the search engines, by submitting content to social media websites.

- Devid Brown - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

SMO helps us to connected with each other.Maximize our business presence in Internet world.It is a method of Search Engine Marketing.

Social media optimization is a great techniques by which you can get more traffic and business for the our website SMO include lots of activities like:
blog commenting
Forum commenting
classified ads
Social bookmarking
Social Networking etc...

- Dream Pradeep - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

Social Media Optimization is a technique by which we get traffic on our website by this SMO.
In social media optimization we use the social websites, videos websites and many websites where more traffic like,, etc..

- jasssi - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

SMO is the tactics that are used to get maximum result in social medias like facebook, myspace, digg, stumbleupon, delicious...etc.

ther are a lot of things to study such as usage of relavant terms.

- umer - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

social media is now a days very effective method to boost your website

- Maegan Vaughn - 10-13-2012 01:04 AM

Social Media Optimization is a technique by which we get traffic on our website by this SMO.