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Should we privatize social security? - Printable Version

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- Moose - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

Check into his plan closer. It would be a VOLUNTARY portion of your social security taxes going into your own account. If you are young it would be a very good idea for you to participate. The stock market will bounce back as it always has. If I had this option when I was 1st starting out, even with current down turn I would get more from that fund then I ever will from the current SS fund, if that is even still around when I am eligible to collect. At least the stock market portion will be mine.

- ezmee1859 - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

He is going to restructure them. They have not been revised in 25 years. After that is done, seniors will have better benefits.

- pablo_asawa - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

This would not effect the pre baby boomers or the Baby Boomers

but the coming x GENERATION and there after..but the current retired people

have nothing to worry about..this will be done one way or another as

Social security along with Medicare and Medicaid is failing ..egad

- barrelroll20 - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

Hell no, this is a friggin terrible idea.

- Taylor - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

Both are horrible ideas!!

Obama 08

- Presumptive - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

I think we should do away with it altogether and give people back their money. It isn't the government's responsibility to make sure you saved up enough money for retirement. It simply created another bureaucracy that has been raped and mismanaged for years and constantly needs saving.

Why is it that younger people cannot get the concept that government bureaucracies are oppressive, corrupt, are anti-freedom, and are extremely inefficient and wasteful? Why does it take a while for it to click that big government is bad and dangerous and should be fought against? Just look at history. The evidence is everywhere.

- Ben - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

Social security was originally intended to be an insurance policy in case you became disabled and unable to work, not a retirement account. Most people in the 30s didn't live until 65 (and if you did, you were probably no longer fit to work). As life expectancy and quality of life have increased, people were brought up thinking of social security as their safety blanket. We need to re-educate people that no matter what they do, social security isn't supposed to be your retirement account, and no matter how well diversified your portfolio is, there is inherent risk in the stock market. There is still no substitute for good old fashioned savings. Privatizing social security is just a distraction from the fact that it has become misused as a retirement account. YOU are responsible for your retirement, not the government. One corrupt Congress can raid the social security trust fund (as they have in the past) and destroy any chance you had of retiring on it - AT ANY TIME. A 401k is useful, but shouldn't be your only means of saving for retirement, neither is a privatized social security plan. Putting money in a CD or buying gold are the surest ways to make sure you don't get screwed if the market takes another turn for the worse - which, if you are under the age of 55, it will almost certainly do before you hit retirement age.

- wendy c - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

Laugh at the source, but try looking up the New Deal, which was Roosevelts action to deal with the 1930s Depression. Social security is one of the only programs that (so far) has remained.. all of which were labeled as "socialist" programs by (you guessed it) the Conservatives.
The other key factor that slowly stabilized the banking, was regulation. Again.. the conservatives were livid on that topic. Does it occur to you that it WORKED until (once again) the Conservatives finally got rid of regulation, with the final axe coming from Phill Gramm.
Regulations gone, after 50 some years.. and voila... market is now crashing again.
Connect the dots. The only program that WAS safe was social security, until borrowed against. And McCain wants to take the govt out of that, like they did with regulation.

- me - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

NO! Absolutely not! People paid into it all their lives so they would be able to survive when they get old. My goodness, how stupid and selfish can people be to take that away from the elderly. If you want to gamble with your own money thats up to you. Go ahead, crash and burn- but leave Social Security alone FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

- j_mlkn - 10-13-2012 01:05 AM

no, look at the stock market.