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what to do if you lie about your age to get on a facebook oage and they want a pic of your birth certificate? - Printable Version

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what to do if you lie about your age to get on a facebook oage and they want a pic of your birth certificate? - fb guy - 08-12-2013 08:20 PM

ok guys so i really wanted to get on an fb page and i lied about my age and i got in now they are asking evry1 for a picture thier birth certificate and if i dont i wont be on the page anymore so what shud i do

- RodriGo - 08-12-2013 08:31 PM

why did you lie?.. amyway, say you won't because you don't have one at the moment

- bull - 08-12-2013 08:33 PM

How old are you? I didn't start using the internet till I was 12, and by the time I was 16 I decided to make a facebook account. Just hold up there, the internet is a dangerous place for people like you. wait a year or two.

- marmar - 08-12-2013 08:45 PM

I lied about my name and fb thought i was a robot and would not let me onto my acount. Fb will probebly not ask for a pic of you, but they might make you prove your not a robot. I ended up deleting my acount cause fb was so anoying.

- CCH - 08-12-2013 08:47 PM

why are they asking for your birth certificate? as soon as FB asks me, i'm disabling my account permanently.

- Derek B - 08-12-2013 08:56 PM

Don't distribute your birth certificate on the Internet. This sounds like a scam. I don't think Facebook does this. I have never had a request from FB for this.

- Joe - 08-12-2013 08:57 PM

NEVER give away a picture of your birth certificate, that is private information and it is incredibly stupid to give away. Especially for some stupid social media networking site like facebook. You'll just have to suffer and not join your precious facebook page.

- abraXus - 08-12-2013 09:11 PM

if you lied and got caught, you now have to prove to them you are who you say you are

if they require you to submit proof of your age, there is no way around it

if you cannot provide it, then you will lose your account

next time, dont lie

- Daniel - 08-12-2013 09:23 PM

You Have to Send them It You Got Caught lieing about your Age If you Cant Prove your Age Than You Will Not Be Able to Return to your Account