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How does someone opt out & cash out of social security freeing them from the matrix & maritime admiralty law? - Printable Version

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How does someone opt out & cash out of social security freeing them from the matrix & maritime admiralty law? - Loop - 10-13-2012 01:08 AM

Your social security card has a cusip number on the back relating to a bond created in your name in all capital letters as a corporate fiction when your birth certificate was made I'm looking to find the bond to off set debt as it was created for & or cash it out for the value of the bond being traded openly on the stock market by the banks this information is vital to be able to become a Freeman On The Land & out of The Slave State of The Matrix everyone should have this information but it is secret how & why?

- Teekno - 10-13-2012 01:16 AM

How can I subscribe to your newsletter?

- Whatever4 - 10-13-2012 01:16 AM

The answer is in the same place as your missing punctuation.

- Romeo - 10-13-2012 01:16 AM

The current system of taxation in the USA is an illegal one. It exists only because it is propped up by judicial corruption. Because of the corruption, asserting your rights under tax law as written is an extremely dangerous thing to do. Effective legal strategies for a defense typically work only once because the corruption learns and adapts.

Only exceptionally skilled lawyers can still win these cases when they are lucky. Everyone else ends up in prison. If you are going to try to "opt out" first see Jeffrey Dickstein's warning:

Then do the “Pre-Induction Physical Exam”

It does not matter what the written law says anymore. The actual enforced law is determined by the powerful.

The attorney who defended Joe Banister in Joe's victorious NOT GUILTY verdict will share the secrets of victory over the IRS beast:
As impressive as this victory was remember that Jeffery Dickstein himself said he loses 70%-80% of such cases and that Joe Bannister was lucky.

The Money Masters:

There is no such thing as the bond you describe. The theory there is one is just another patrioidiot myth I hope you did not pay for. The Social Security Tax is just another tax like any other tax .There is nothing in law requiring Social Security Tax payments go into a trust fund or bond.

- flower - 10-13-2012 01:16 AM

You cannot choose which taxes to pay. There is no cash unless you are eligible for some kind of benefit under one of the Social Security programs.

- Flup - 10-13-2012 01:16 AM

This is all absolute nonsense. See for a British perspective, and just how far these idiots get with their 'paper terrorism'. See also the Quatloos forum to see just how many of these idiots go to prison for tax fraud.