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BIg trouble with Facebook? - Printable Version

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BIg trouble with Facebook? - Frank - 08-13-2013 01:23 AM

So this hot girls pictures got out, and I made a fake Facebook showing her nude upper body... She is also only 15. It got really big and I regret doing it, and when I went in to delete it, someone already reported it and deleted it... Her parents and her were very mad at whoever created it... Could I get into any trouble? I know I would be fucked if they found out it was me.. But is it possible to track me? I was using a Tor browser when I created it, which hides your real IP address and gives out a fake one.. So would they ever be able to track me?

- Ed G - 08-13-2013 01:32 AM

It's doubtful that they would go to all the trouble to track you down.The police would have to get involved
and they would also need a court order to check you isp. Using tor is not full proof.I will not go into the reason why,but lets say it's not a easy trace.I don't think you have to worry but you need to make sure what you do online is legal.Posting a picture of a 15 year old girl is wrong and illegal in fact having the picture is illegal. Don't make mistakes that will haunt you all of your life.

- Daniel - 08-13-2013 01:35 AM

Yes Even tho you Hid your Ip Address That Does Not Really Hide it From Facebook or the Police they Can Find your Ip Address and Track you Down you Better Hope they Dont Go to the Police With this you Can Get into Some Big Time Trouble

- Matt Toreo - 08-13-2013 01:48 AM

using a proxy server like tor doesn't guarantee you the anonymity over facebook. if the parents involve the police, you might be caught.