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Why can't communists be tolerant towards free-market capitalists, the way capitalist allow communists to live? - Printable Version

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Why can't communists be tolerant towards free-market capitalists, the way capitalist allow communists to live? - Lever - 10-13-2012 01:13 AM

I know capitalists haven't always been tolerant, but generally speaking, most Western countries nowadays are respectful towards communist countries. In fact, I would love to see a communist country succeed.

However, communists are always wanting to change capitalist countries from within, and I'm not sure why, especially when the capitalist country in question happens to be successful and is able to provide a good living for its citizens (including the people in their social welfare programs).

- ? - 10-13-2012 01:21 AM

"Tolerant" of communist countries? I'm sorry, but the embargoes on Cuba beg to differ.

- Jo - 10-13-2012 01:21 AM

Because their rectums burn with a desire for control.

- Hmm - 10-13-2012 01:21 AM

China is a mixed economy with both capitalist and government policies. In the U.S we have same thing with mostly capitalist economy with some government programs like medicare.

- Dustin - 10-13-2012 01:21 AM

Communists do not like capitalism at all because, according to them, capitalism is a fancy form of enslavement. And it kind of is. Have you ever wondered just how much work Burger King employees do for such little money in return? Communism also demands a world wide revolution. They cannot, and will not, be satisfied until the entire planet is communist. That's part of the point behind it.

To be honest, they are mostly correct. Many empires and cultures throughout all of human history were extremely communist in nature before it was an established ideology. They're basically just applying tribal and rural life styles to a post-industrial world.