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Why do guys keep deleting me off Facebook?!? - Printable Version

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Why do guys keep deleting me off Facebook?!? - June - 08-13-2013 08:22 AM

Okay so in my life I've only had three kinda-sorta boyfriends. And all of them have either deleted me, blocked me or blocked me on chat on Facebook.

The first guy did it as a joke after we weren't dating anymore, his friend was on my account at a party and kept sending him annoying messages so the guy blocked me. It's been three years since and even still he has yet to undo this.

The second guy is a little more understnadable. He was from Italy so while he was in north america we hung and dated, but broke it off when he left. A couple months later he messaged me which lead to this rather flirtatious conversation. My friend asked me to copy our messages and send them to her however I accidentally sent them to him. He didn't say anything, and we talked a couple times after. Now he never goes online and I'm 90 % sure it's because he's blocked me on chat.

Now the final boy. I went out with him once, and I suppose I sort of lead him on because we made out, then he was trying to hang out again. It's been two weeks, and today he asked me if I was free to tomorrow. i didn't respond right away because I was busy but a few hours later when I got home I went to go say that I was and immediately saw that he was no longer my friend on facebook! He deleted me!

So my question is, what is wrong with me? Am I just handling things wrong or is it the guys? Honestly, I haven't got loads of experience with men and all those weren't serious relationships. So please, HELP!

- John Smith - 08-13-2013 08:24 AM

Let's see. First, you allowed someone use your account to send annoying messages to someone else. Then you tried to send your Italian boyfriend's private messages to you to a third person for them to read, and got caught. And most recently you admit that you're a tease.

I'd block you, too.

- Michele C - 08-13-2013 08:38 AM

Be nice. It works. ; )

- Sweet Dreams - 08-13-2013 08:40 AM

Yea I agree with John. Besides, why are you worrying so much over facebook. It's so freaking silly how you freak out when people delete you and block you on facebook. Facebook is on the internet! Sheesh move on. Welcome into the real world. So communicate with people face to face instead of texting or using the internet. If you talk to them face to face, they can't ignore you or delete you. It's not the internet. Those guys obviously moved on and you should too. Why not go out of your way to talk to the first and third guy in person and ask them yourself why they block and deleted you! We people on yahoo don't know your life. Make an effort to talk to them in person!