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Can you identify advantages of social media for yourself? - Printable Version

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Can you identify advantages of social media for yourself? - QueryJ - 10-13-2012 01:19 AM

Do you know how to use Social Media to further your own interests? Do you think Social Media should be a distinct and separate category on its own?

Categories where Social Media Questions are asked:

Safety, Consumer Electronics, Family, Society-Other, Cellphones, Law and Ethics, Advertising, Education, Society & Culture, Careers & Employment, Economics, Investing, Search Engine Optimization, Facebook, Social Science, Technology

Sample of Questions asked about Social Media:

Why do people text? Is texting safe with hands free device when driving?
How would you show your knowledge of social media in a job interview?
Any business name ideas for a social media marketing company?
What are the different forms of social media that exist today?
How useful are social media platforms for marketing?
How does social media help in measuring the return of investment of a company?
How does social media marketing work?
How can I incorporate social media into my small business marketing effort?
Do you look for new social media sites when the others get boring?
How is Social Media related to science and technology?

Additional Details
The question asks would you understand advantages of using Social Media if the subject was categorized under one major category instead of 15 separate categories? Would you be interested in learning more about advancing your career or business?

- fivetoze - 10-13-2012 01:27 AM

media schmedia... the media has two fundamental tasks,

1 to educate, inform, and connect people.
2 sell them stuff they dont need... cant afford, and will never use.

me? cynical, never!

category 1 provides outlets for category 2. in fact 1 feeds 2 with leads... which 2 exploits...

social media is another means... computers and facebook et al. the world has shifted to a 24/7 operation... no one sleeps, and no one ever turns the lights off... we exist in a consumer led evolution, which has shifted from physical to ethereal... we live in a real world, and yet we exist in a virtual one. were still selling stuff to people, we are still educating, and communicating... we just do it differently.

and please, you wont learn anything if you cut and paste your homework...