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How Can I Help My Dog Be More Secure? - Printable Version

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How Can I Help My Dog Be More Secure? - Someone Going Somewhere - 10-13-2012 01:47 AM

So, I have a 10yr old border collie/lab mix. I don't often take her there, but she enjoys going to the dog park every now and then so I indulge her once every month or so. I just find that its full of high-energy dogs and my girl likes her personal space- dogs there tend to be very aggressive when it comes to sniffing and whatnot and it makes her nervous. I realize its my fault that she isn't comfortable around high-energy dogs, so I'm trying to find out ways where I can make her more comfortable in those social settings.
Usually she's fine and she likes to play chase with the other dogs but then the occasional dog presses her personal space too much and she gets into a barking fit. She's a medium sized dog, so I get a little concerned when these larger dogs start getting into it with her. I guess my questions are,
1. How can I make her more comfortable in these situations?
2. Does her insecurity make her a target?
3. Last but not least, should I just avoid the dog park altogether?
I'd hate to do it since she loves being off leash so much, but I feel like people with high-energy, poorly trained dogs just let them gather there and do whatever. Tonight, a poodle was being very aggressive and the woman didn't even call her dog off when she was growling at mine. Maybe its just better off to only take her on days when there aren't any other dogs?

- kps - 10-13-2012 01:55 AM

An agility class would be perfect for her

- hellsangel0013 - 10-13-2012 01:55 AM

For starters; teach her tricks. They are huge confidence boosters for dogs and it will strengthen your bond since dogs live for their owners praise and affection. With her age, I wouldn't recommend any agility next tip would be to have her be your little search/rescue dog. Hide/bury things and have her find them. Once again, a great confidence boosterSmile I personally feel that dog parks are a bad idea. An insecure dog can set off aggression in other dogs. Dog parks=too many untrained dogs which = a huge problem. In order to make her more comfortable, set up play dates with one dog at a time(opposite sex dog who is calm and submissive). This way your dog will feed off the other dogs energy and won't be overwhelmed by multiple dogs. Be persistent and your dog will come around. Good luck.

- Stargazer Lily - 10-13-2012 01:55 AM

If you have friends with dogs, make an arrangement to for a doggie play date, have them come to you this way she is in her own setting and she can be the alpha.

Also try doggie day care... Depending on where you live, it can be as low as 22 dollars for a half day. It allows her to be around other dogs in a closed environment.

Something simple like bringing around a high energy puppy can also help her work on being around high energy dogs.

Don't avoid the park all together, maybe just take her on days where there aren't that many dogs, and if it seems to be getting crowded, take her out of the environment.

- Claudia Aceves - 10-13-2012 01:55 AM

When she starts to bark at the other dogs try petting her and telling her it's ok. Then pet the other dog so she can see that everything will be alright. She probably is just a bit insecure because she was taught differently than dogs who are careless. Your dog sounds like a good dog so if things dont work out then its best to not surround her with dogs she dislikes.