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how different is the idea of facebook compared to twitter? - Printable Version

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how different is the idea of facebook compared to twitter? - Howard - 10-13-2012 01:49 AM

Sure they are both social networks but twitter is less social than facebook in fact the only thing I can think of that you can actually do on twitter is follow people and comment no live chat can you view pictures?

- Vicky - 10-13-2012 01:57 AM

Facebook has more things to do- instant chat, games, apps, you can 'like pages' you can upload photos, you can comment on peoples photos, and generally it's a bit more sociable.

Twitter- you can only post a 'status' up to 140 words. There ARE lots of websites that link to Twitter where you can upload photos such as TwitPic, and there is also TwitCam which is a live video streaming. If you want to make a longer Twitter status kind of thing, you can use 'Twitlonger' which lets you write however much you want and then it links to your Twitter so people can read it. On Twitter, you can send messages to others privately, but most people just use the '@' function plus someone's username.

On Facebook, you can really customise your privacy settings, and you can 'add' friends and then 'unfriend' or even 'block' someone. It is a lot more secure, so if you are looking to keep your information private, Facebook is better. Twitter is a lot more open, the only privacy setting you can have is to have private tweets, so if somebody wants to see your tweets, they must follow you and you must accept them.

If you want to upload photos and stuff like that, I recommend Facebook but there are different websites that are related to Twitter (as I mentioned- TwitLonger, TwitCam, TwitPic) that let you do similar things to Facebook.
I really hope I helped Smile I have both Facebook and Twitter, and personally I use Twitter more for posting statuses, etc. but all my photos and personal info goes on my Facebook because I know EVERYONE on my Facebook and I know that I can hide any information I want ^.^

- Issa - 10-13-2012 01:57 AM

Twitter is like your sms on the world wide web where you get to interact with people in real-time, quick and simple. In Facebook, you have to build relationships before people will be compelled to interact with your brand and this is why it's more suitable for personal use. You can share and view pictures/videos in twitter via this platform called TwitPic, though I haven't tried it yet.

- Iqra Ahmad - 10-13-2012 01:57 AM

I am agree with Issa is very helpful for me.