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My mum wants to check my Facebook account... Help!? - Printable Version

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My mum wants to check my Facebook account... Help!? - Jazz - 08-16-2013 10:15 AM

My mum wants to check my Facebook but I don't want her to as its my private space. What should I do?

- Miss N x - 08-16-2013 10:23 AM

start her up a facebook account (so she knows it safe) add her as a friend on facebook (so she thinks your being open with her) and explain that she can see everything you can and if you do have something to hide you can always hide it from her on your privacy settings or when you post the status choose "all friends except" then find her name, hope i helped xxx

- Jack - 08-16-2013 10:30 AM

Hide Post's or Delete. If serious try editing and plz answer back as I need to know what info it is or I cant help.?

- Nancy - 08-16-2013 10:35 AM

You're underage and your mum is only trying to protect you. If you have a problem with her checking your Facebook, then maybe you shouldn't be posting inappropriate comments and pictures. If you aren't posting anything inappropriate, then you shouldn't have a problem with your mum checking up on you every now and then.

Whatever you do, don't lie to her or try to cover things up. This will cause her to lose her trust in you when she finds out.....and she WILL find out. Just remember that she's doing this for your protection. Once she sees that you are posting responsibly, she will probably back off a bit.