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Am I politicly closer to a conservative, a libertarian, or a liberal? - Printable Version

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Am I politicly closer to a conservative, a libertarian, or a liberal? - JJ - 10-13-2012 02:32 AM

Fiscally, I'm a free market, laissez-faire, let the chips fall where they may, libertarian. The federal government should only do the tasks specifically laid out on the constitution. Cut out all the social programs. Our military shouldn't be used to interfere in disputes between two other countries. Our military should only defend our boarders from an invasion or retaliate an attack, not police the world. We should stop all discretionary spending. Balance the budget, pay off the national debt.

Socially, I'm mixed. I with the republicans on unborn rights and guns. I'm with the left on decriminalizing substances, don't agree with the moral crusade against porn, totally for net neutrality and reducing length of copyrighting media. Don't agree with circumcising infants, as they aren't at an age to consent.

I'm a Christian but support science education. I'm for the ceremonial deism, "In God We Trust" "One Nation Under God" but I think going father than that is probably too far. Education should be controlled at the local and state level.

In 2000 and 2004 I was for Bush. In 2008 I was for Huckabee because I thought he could win, extremely reluctantly voted for McCain/Palin. This year I voted for Ron Paul and may just sit out the November election.

Which party would fit me best?

- Jonah - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM


Edit: Just to clarify, the "In God We Trust" and "One Nation Under God" were pushed by a socialist christian in the 1950s.

- Lucky P - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

Don't vote for any of them. Move to Canada.

- Madlunch669 - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

Libertarian by far.

- Unluckybrush273 - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM


You have the qualities of such.

- Ttim Yenmor - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

Just sit out.
And if you HAD to choose it would probably be libertarians or Repubs, if you can handle the loony bin.
Cutting all social programs is also absurd...
Huckabee? really?

- SOVIET THEIST - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

You are just another socially-engineered American robot.

Get used to it.

- Kroneks - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

One nation under god is going pretty far.leaves to much to the interpretation of the reader of hand written manuscripts passed down for centuries,{without a single typo or rephrasing,maybe the Jonas brothers will end up living safe and sound in the belly of a whale...nice}. Sounds like you seperate Christinsanity from education so you may have some creative ideas for ending the pointless comittees and subcomittees that let appawling riders slide and good bills die with sessions of filabusters and in your face bias agenda. I also like Ron but u can see what happens when the apple falls to far from the RNC tree.Lets take another look at anarchy with the constitution in mind,every mans right to the pursuit of happiness,blend the to ...revolution.

- S O - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

You display the economic ignorance of either a Libertarian or an establishment Republican.

Socially, you could be any party, as none of the parties has a real monopoly on gun rights or control, or women's rights, or marijuana. Even porn... those the most outspoken against it tend to be Republicans, but the biggest offenders/abusers also tend to be Republicans.

- Maverick88 - 10-13-2012 02:40 AM

Libertarian. Most of your views line up with the libertarian party, but you have a couple opinions that could be Republican. Its scary how much I followed the same path as you with bush and then Huck. Im voting Gary Johnson, but im not telling you who to vote for; however, I urge you to vote no matter what.