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This girl got mad at me for commenting on her status? - Printable Version

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This girl got mad at me for commenting on her status? - Miranda - 08-18-2013 05:43 AM

She wrote a status that didn't make sense on Facebook and I commented on it and wrote ''What''
She wrote ''^ do you like stalk some of my fb status's ;-;?' Then I wrote ''You are on my newsfeed? It's not stalking'' Then she said '' commenting tho o.o........'' I replied with ''That's what a status is made for''
Why is she acting weird?
She wrote this

i need erin DXXX becouse well...i miss her ;-; an like i feel forever alone </3 AN IM UMM.."EXCITED" DXXX Octavia Aurora Ross

- abraXus - 08-18-2013 05:55 AM

because she's probably like 13 and doesnt know any better

- Darrin - 08-18-2013 06:07 AM

You made her look stupid bcuz alot of people put non sense on fb and other social media outlets so lets keep in mind that we are dealing with many different personalities.

- chuseikokoro - 08-18-2013 06:21 AM

She was probably being defensive about you pointing out that her status apparently didn't make sense. Maybe it did make sense and you just didn't understand it. I post obscure stuff all the time and would be pretty mad if someone told me it didn't make sense.