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Will my other Facebook friends see my relationship status even though it's set to custom mode? - Printable Version

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Will my other Facebook friends see my relationship status even though it's set to custom mode? - Eric the Nighttime Knight - 08-18-2013 07:16 AM

I was adding a life event to my Facebook timeline that I was in a relationship with a girl long ago as well as the status marking the very end of that. And even though I set it to custom mode and made it only visible to my girl my profile still had the "In a relationship" status on it. I'm afraid all of my other friends are gonna see it and I don't think my family is gonna be impressed with that, either. And I knew my family was not gonna be impressed with that relationship status update because it was for a girl that I met only on the web and NOT in real life - they would think I'm crazy!

The relationship status that lasted for only a few months three years ago was meant to be seen by the person I mentioned in there. It is not supposed to be seen by anyone else. The reason I set it there was because I never even updated my relationship status any time in my life, not even when my ex and I were together.

Will my other Facebook friends see my relationship status on my profile even though it's set to custom mode?

- abraXus - 08-18-2013 07:29 AM

it depends on how you did it

if you are merely trying to mark the beginning and end of a past relationship like that, you should be adding what is called a "life event" instead of using the relationship function, as that is for current things

to create a life event, open your timeline, and look for the "life event" link above where you type your status updates

click that and the rest should be obvious