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How would you take it if you got this facebook message? - Printable Version

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How would you take it if you got this facebook message? - lamp.laura - 08-18-2013 07:43 AM

Long story short, their is guy im friends with on fb, we were friends in elementary school, but we went to different middle and high schools so weve slowly drifted apart. (I think he looks really hot, he is a nice person, at least he used to be) How would you take this if you got this facebook message from me? "Hey! long time no talk, heres my number, (insert number here) you should text me sometime if ya feel like it, laura Smile
Im trying to be a little flirty, but i definately dont want to be creepy or anything. What do you think? any suggestions would be helpful too. Thanks!

- dmcharmiss14 - 08-18-2013 07:46 AM

You should say something like this: "Hi (person's name) How are you doing? Its been a while since we've talked. Maybe we should catch up sometime (enter number). Text me soonSmile" Hopefully this helpsSmile

- 007 lawrence - 08-18-2013 08:00 AM

well i think you should just text him as a friend first because im assuming your not shore if he likes you or not and you definitely don't want to come off aggressive to the guy. the guy is the one who is suppose to flirt with you first so the best thing to do is wait after a few messages. but if its just small talk the first messages, then u mite have to give him a sign that you like him but not to strong, u dont want to come off as desperate.
Hope this helped Smile

- punybushes305 - 08-18-2013 08:10 AM

Never say "if ya feel like it". That is the play of a desperate person.
Be upbeat, positive. Suggest getting together.

"Hey [name], how you been? Would love to meet up and grab some coffee and catch up on what's been happening in our lives. Text me! [number]"