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Why is he "Following me on Facebook" instead of adding me as a friend? - Printable Version

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Why is he "Following me on Facebook" instead of adding me as a friend? - swtmelon012 - 08-20-2013 12:15 AM

I requested to be a friend on Facebook that I haven't spoke with in a while. But why did she decline to be my friend but instead she decided to follow me?? I don't like it...haha
Wait so does that mean she gets to see my post /pictures but I don't get to see hers since I'm not her friend or a follower??? That's not fair!!

- Edward - 08-20-2013 12:28 AM

Maybe he is spying on you by viewing your posts or he doesnt want to talk to you. It could also be the fact that he has a crush on you

- Annly Prjpt - 08-20-2013 12:32 AM

If you're developing apps for facebook, check out instead. To find out who is following you on facebook someone is following me besides by friends and clicking the number of my followers on my facebook page brings me to a with no :"Add friends" option.
Other thing is may be her friend request may be blocked for certain period. So to keep in touch with she may follow you.