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How do I make my Facebook private from the Public? - Printable Version

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How do I make my Facebook private from the Public? - ♥ - 08-20-2013 02:07 AM

Basically, there are certain people out there that simply MUSTN'T see the drabble I post on Facebook, this includes photos I upload. I have already set most of my stuff so that only "Specific People" can see them but it's a real pain to have to do that all the time. I just want it to be so that if a 'non-friend' happens to stumble across my profile, all they will see is my pic and cover photo. No posts, no photos, no likes, no tags etc.... They would basically have to add me to see all that stuff.
Or better yet! How do I make myself invisible from the public? So that if they type my name in, nothing comes up?
@ JC Chasez. Thanks for your answer, but my posts aren't like, PRIVATE private. It's not like I'm plotting a terrorist attack. It's simply that I would like to share holiday photos with my friends and family without strangers shoving their faces against them. It's none of their business.

- abraXus - 08-20-2013 02:18 AM

there are lots of different settings explained here

there isnt just one thing to click and make everything private, you have to go thru everything in detail

- JC Chasez - 08-20-2013 02:19 AM

Not using Facebook to post private stuff might be a good start. Set privacy settings all you want, but the fact of the matter is NOTHING you post on the internet is private. It's good practice to assume every email, every photo, every video, every post you make will be seen by every person on the face of the planet. Friends, family, people you dislike, weirdos, stalkers, past/current/future/potential employers, etc. It can easily be shared by a trusted friend to anyone else in the world.

- AWSOME me - 08-20-2013 02:32 AM

All u need to do is go to the end of the search bar press privacy settings and switch it on friend mode or whatever u want