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How to convince my mom to...? - Respectedseed796 - 10-13-2012 03:41 AM

...let me have an Instagram? I'm going to get the iPhone 5 whenever it comes out, and I'm really excited! I just feel like I should be allowed to have SOMETHING if I have an iPhone! My mom is VERY against any type of social network, and I pretty much gave up on Facebook and Twitter (the only reason I wanted a Twitter was because of Adam Levine). But now as those trends are kinda "fading out" and Instagram is the new one, I really want one! I'm not irresponsible and would keep my promise if I promised her it won't take away time from schoolwork, time together, etc... Any suggestions on how to convince her? She's really really tough when it comes to this stuff. She's usually very understanding. NOT for this. Please help!!! Thanks in advance! Smile
Btw I'm 13 and almost everyone has one
I know!!!!!! My friend and I tried EVERYTHING!!!! We told her it was just photos but she still won't let me!!!! Ugh.
I have nothing to hide really... it's just the comments people make might be a little "profound"

- paramorefan. - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

Instagram is hardly "social networking." it's only for photos... So I don't see why your mom would have a problem with it :-)

- Mike - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

tell her she can check up on it. thats if you have nothing to hide

- Adam R - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

Awe, you're one of the unfortunate youths today that seem responsible and mature enough to handle social technology but unfortunately and sometimes for your own safety, you are denied access to these media types.

My suggestion and a good agreement with your mom is to create one of these accounts for you and give her the username and password to these accounts. Allow your mom to peek in on your account whenever she wants. Also, don't make it seem manditory. Tell her you want to try it out for 1 month or even 1 week and see if she's comfortable with the results.

Also there are many Parental Control programs and software available where she can limit access to these media types to certain times of the day and even view your usage. If you're that anxious to use them, then I'm sure you won't mind a little Big Brother eye in the sky from your mom. Good Luck!

- Luckyhealth953 - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

Sounds like you have a pretty cool mom who gets you most things but restricts others. Maybe she has good reasons and you should respect them.
Problem with demanding everything is that sometimes you get nothing. Be happy for what you do get.

- Buddy - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

That service isn't social networking, so don't tell her it is. Just tell her it saves your photos.

- Analogue - 10-13-2012 03:49 AM

Show her Instagram as soon as you have it. Just keep talking about it and when you got it it is show-time! You can ask her why she doesn't like it you are on social networks. When she answers something like "Because I don't want you to share your photo's with the whole world!" Just answer OK. Don't use the excuse "But my friends have it too!" because that is never going to work.

Well good luck my friend.