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When I logged in through my PC facebook keeps me online even if turn off the chat? - Printable Version

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When I logged in through my PC facebook keeps me online even if turn off the chat? - Hermise - 08-20-2013 11:40 PM

When I log in to the facebook through my personal laptop, facebook keeps me online even if I turn off the chat. Why does facebook do like this? Can anyone please help me? I want to fix this problem.

- micksmixxx - 08-20-2013 11:43 PM

That isn't a problem, my friend. What you need to do is log out of facebook and NOT just facebook chat.

- *~*[αYѕнα]*~* - 08-20-2013 11:55 PM

Thank GOODNESS i am not the only one this is happening to. I have fb mobile but even that chat is turned off and all of a sudden since last night i was showing green even tho i was signed out of chat.. i think this must be a fb bug or something which i hope will be resolved cos i am tired of getting hundreds of msgs through my inbox and ppl thinking i am ignoring them

- Pinochion - 08-21-2013 12:00 AM

It definitely is a problem or a bug. I myself discovered it yesterday. I must be resolved.

- AASTHA - 08-21-2013 12:02 AM

Here's some ideas I hope it'll work to solve your problem:

1) Create at least one list of friends, if you don't have any lists yet (Friends -> Create a list). You don't need to put all your friends into it, just make sure you have at least one list.

2) Open the chat window and use the small slider button that is located right of each group name to set your visibility to "offline" for each group.

Done! Now you seem to be offline for all of your friends, even after you log out and in again , even though your status is displayed "online" (green circle in the chat window). To use the chat again, simply open the chat window and toggle the slider buttons as you did in step 2.


- Angeleyes - 08-21-2013 12:07 AM

That seems to be a problem with everyone on facebook. Maybe a bug or changes made from facebook.

- Neeraj - 08-21-2013 12:14 AM

Ohhh buoy! I'm facing the same problem (since 4 days I guess). Even though I have signed out of chat from (PC as well as mobile) it still shows me online. I even tried changing my FB password (as it gives an option to sign out from other devices that you might have used but forgotten to sign out from). But all this things gone in vain as chat shows me online for sometimes and sometimes offline. My friend told me that its like blinking(green dot) one time you are online & the other time offline for seconds. I even noticed when I clicked my profile page chat showed me online for seconds even though it was off. I tried deactivating my account but nothing helped. Its a kind of bug, and now I know that many people are facing the same problem. It's not related to anyone's account like it is hacked or something. It's the problem with FB itself.