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Facebook account hacked? - Printable Version

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Facebook account hacked? - Donny Dill - 08-21-2013 12:30 PM

Alright, this is going to sound really weird. Anyway, here's the story:

I'm browsing on my mobile phone, when all of a sudden, I'm logged out of my account. I go to log back in, and I get a message that says "someone from Richardson Texas has tried to access your account, and we don't recognize that location." Of course this isn't me, I live in Oregon. So, I think that someone's trying to hack me, and I change my password, no biggy.

About 10 minutes later I get a call from my brother, and he starts telling me how someone's login and password appeared on his computer when he went to sign onto his Facebook. We start doing the "tag your friends" security feature, and low and behold, I know all of these people's names he's telling to me. So, I ask him what the login email is, and what do ya' know, it's mine!

This is the weird part though, first of all, my brother lives in Alabama, not Texas. Second, I haven't seen my brother in about a year, I've never used his computer he got for Christmas, and on top of that, I created a new Facebook with a new email since I was last in Alabama. If that's not weird, here's the REALLY weird part. Not only did my new email pop up on my brother's computer, but as did my mom's. sister's, grandma's, and grandpa's. Everyone who uses my computer, their email shows up on my brother's computer.

I'm lost for words, I have no clue how my brother can access to mine and my families emails, on a computer that we have never come into contact with before.
I downloaded Star Wars: The Old Republic, the other day. Is it possible someone has hacked or phished my computer via that?

- jashim - 08-21-2013 12:34 PM

You can change your Face book login password & you security question from your account settings.

- Daniel - 08-21-2013 12:39 PM

Your Account was hacked you May have Been on Facebook at your Brothers House But than Somebody May Have Accessed it From Texas if you Changed your Password you Should Be Good To Go