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How do I make it so friends cannot see what I comment on Facebook groups? - Printable Version

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How do I make it so friends cannot see what I comment on Facebook groups? - khrulez - 08-21-2013 01:08 PM

I want to make it on FB, for example, when I post a comment to a group on FB, that my friends do not get notifications about it. Like, they will see "[name] has commented on a photo" in their feed and I don't want that. Can I comment on group posts without them getting notifications about it?

- abraXus - 08-21-2013 01:21 PM

facebook doesnt have a setting for that

what would need to happen is for the group to be a private/secret group, so if you dont own the group, you cant change it

the only other option would be to add specific friends to your restricted list so they cannot see your likes and comments

- Angeleyes - 08-21-2013 01:31 PM

Go to your privacy settings and set to "only me". no one will see your comments only you.