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Is it just me or does it really seem people have an issue when it comes to me on Facebook and real life? - Printable Version

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Is it just me or does it really seem people have an issue when it comes to me on Facebook and real life? - Dustin - 08-21-2013 04:42 PM

i am a human just like everyone else and it makes me no different. At least i have my own hobbies and interests and things i believe in. i feel part of me is excluded because of them when it comes to some of my own friends. it seems more people out there are too wrapped up in there boring lives talking about relationship problems getting involved with the right person and a bunch of yadda like 'he saids she saids' i like to share things with all my friends i have on my friends list to help them be happy. But a majority of the time i get less responses from them. I have people i know in real life or people i grew up with they seem less interested in me then those i can really relate to from different parts of the world. does having views of a libertarian affect my friendships since i have nothing in common with the other 2 corrupted parties? i am also gay. i also have a dirty wild sense of humor and i love sharing bright colorful things and spirituality and some pictures of men in uniform and and all that stuff. well most of the the people who seem to exclude me because i like to share a lot of world views and not always subjects about god. Anyone else out there having the same problem as me? am i doing anything right or wrong? because i try to blend in with everyone. i usually do not care what people think. but i do not know what i am supposed to believe anymore since it seems i get looked down. i personally am tired of people judging others pretending that they are so self righteous when it comes to me. When i do know they are hypocrites and have the same flaws as me i just don't prefer telling them where they will head in there life. because i am not a judging type of person and i tired of being looked down as if i am less important. i have friends who are Christians and Wiccans pagans and hippies, atheists and agnostics and spiritualists a lot of random different religious people.most of them have beautiful hearts and i don't automatically judge them as satanists as a lot of so called perfect Christians do. i mean the ones who i went to the same church with i went to in my childhood. There is a lady i go to a different church with now and she has a heart and soul like a whole different person and never have i felt judged by her and neither does the church tell people who have different flaws in there life threaten them with the lake of fire argument. i have always been my own unique self and i am nothing like i was raised to be by my father which he was accusing me of being possessed with demons as a child. i never carried that belief because i did not think it was nice or accepting of me at all. i guess i can say me and my dad were not very close. But i have my own set of beliefs and i don't support superstitious beliefs like i was taught think everything in our world is evil.

i don't understand what it is that is upsetting so many Christians on my friends list.but does anyone else out there who is a christian as me have this same issue?

- Fred - 08-21-2013 04:43 PM

What you need is psychiatric help. How can you assume everyone else is in the wrong when they all feel the same way about you. They can't all be wrong so it must be you.