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How does media voilence act as a social change in a sense of economic, political, and social impact? - Printable Version

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How does media voilence act as a social change in a sense of economic, political, and social impact? - babiie.gurl09 - 10-13-2012 04:06 AM

i need to write a six page essay and i really need as much help as i can possibly get.. thankss!!

what do i write about media violence being a source of social change economically politically, and socially?

- Lori M - 10-13-2012 04:14 AM

Media is a shaping devices that reaches millions of people on a daily basis. One aspect which you could focus on is the representation of minorities in media. On the whole Blacks have been poorly represented for decades in the media. Black males are portrayed as violent, drug dealer. It is very subconscious, but this type of representation influences the way children think of minorities. Children then grow up and become adults. The cycle continues.