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What does these smileys mean? - Printable Version

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What does these smileys mean? - ♥Tatty Teddy ♥ - 08-22-2013 01:15 PM

Correction - What do these smileys mean?

- Rohbear - 08-22-2013 01:19 PM

-_- = Are you fucking serious?

v.v = stressed

x_x = stressed

-.- = Are you fucking serious?

- Soren - 08-22-2013 01:33 PM

-_- can be either tired or disappointed. Usually disappointed. Like if you were sighing or saying "ugh..."

-.- is essentially the same thing

X_X is dead. So if someone is stressed, they can use this. Comedic, like a cartoon character with X's for eyes. "Bleh, I'm dead!"

v.v is like the first one. can be tired, but usually means someone with their eyes closed in disappointment.

- Samuel - 08-22-2013 01:40 PM

:-| -- Ambivalent
X_X means "Dead".
v.v It's a "Crying/Sad" smiley.

and here is some more

:-) -- Smile

:-| -- Ambivalent
o:-) -- Angelic
>:-( -- Angry
|-I -- Asleep
(:Sad):Smile -- Bandaid
:-{} -- Blowing a Kiss
\-o -- Bored
:-c -- Bummed Out
|C| -- Can of Coke
|P| -- Can of Pepsi
Sad ) -- Can't Stop Talking
:*) -- Clowning
:' -- Crying
:'-) -- Crying with Joy
:'-( -- Crying Sadly
:-9 -- Delicious, Yummy
:-> -- Devilish
;-> -- Devilish Wink
Tongue -- Disgusted (sticking out tongue)
:*) -- Drunk
:-6 -- Exhausted, Wiped Out
Sad -- Frown
\~/ -- Full Glass
\_/ -- Glass (drink)
^5 -- High Five
(((((name)))) -- Hug (cyber hug)
(( )):** -- Hugs and Kisses
:-I -- Indifferent
:-# -- Lips are Sealed
:~/ -- Mixed Up
:-O -- Mouth Open (Surprised)
(_) -- Mug (coffee, beer)
@[_]~~ -- Mug of HOT Coffee or Tea
**** -- Popcorn
<<{:}} -- Ice cream
&&&& -- Pretzels
@}--{--{-- -- Rose
:-@ -- Screaming
:-O -- Shocked
:-) -- Smile
^ -- Thumbs Up
:-& -- Tongue Tied
:-\ -- Undecided
;-) -- Wink
|-O -- Yawning
c[T] -- cup of tea
c[C] -- cup of coffee
(%> -- pizza
,,l, -- the finger
>^-^< -- cats
(_\_)(_|_)(_/_) -- dancing ass off
:-Þ~ -- drooling
<o> <o> -- staring
?€?€ -- hiding, staring in the dark.
{\o/} -- angel
<o>¿~~ -- wink
:-------) -- Viagra smile