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Is my personal statement good enough for Film Studies? - Printable Version

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Is my personal statement good enough for Film Studies? - Aidan - 10-13-2012 04:36 AM

UCAS personal statement! Please give me some feedback! Thanks Smile

I have been interested in film from a very young age and highly intrigued by all aspects of film-making visual communication and photography.I can bring excellent practical skills to the course, which I hope to develop in professional contexts, for a suitable career in the film and media industry. On May 2012 I was awarded a 'Highly Commended Certificate' for the 'Investing For Health' competition organised by the Public Health Authority and featured in their Media awards. I produced a short film advertising "Lifeline " - A counselling support service and was delighted to receive this recognition. Link to the film-

I operate high-tech camera's such as Canon XF300 HD camcorder and other media equipment regularly and competent in the use of editing software including Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas and After Effects. I have also made a short documentary on the Rainbow project and LGBT community in Derry-Londonderry. It featured in the Nerve Centre's Anti-Racism Multi-Cultural Film Festival in Derry March 2012 and was introduced by Peter Tatchell. Link to the documentary-

I am also a partner in a small local business called 'In Your Steps'. We offer a wide range of services for musicians in Derry~Londonderry. We provide photography, high quality recording and mixing, music videos and graphic design. Whilst we operate as a business, our main objective is to gain experience in the Film and Media industries and increase our practical skills. I am a responsible student with solid grades, excellent references and an attendance record of 98%. I am a very organised person and enjoy taking time to complete jobs to schedule and very professionally. My college records demonstrate I work extremely hard and communicate very well with others. I enjoy team-work and have worked in and directed several crews. I gained valuable skills from my volunteer work at SHINE(Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Information Networking Equality). This involves working with people who have learning and physical disabilities, assisting with media projects and helping with administration. I have made short films and taken photographs for use on their website. I am also a Volunteer with the Regional Media /Film organisation, 'Headliners. 'We are currently working on a project called 'Living on the Interface' which explores issues around marginalization in my local community using a variety of film and media production techniques. Working with all these projects and with a variety of people I have gained the ability to become very adaptable, to develop my filming and photographic skills and enhance my social and organisational skills. I am involved in a lot of volunteering projects and I am part of the UK organisation "Millennium Volunteer Scheme".(I will have achieved the full award of 200 hours by Christmas 2012). I am passionate about volunteer work. Whilst the charities I have worked for have benefited from my work in terms of publicity, I have gained a range of valuable experiences in media across a range of contexts with diverse people. I also have a Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award and Bronze Medallion in Life Saving Award Qualification which I believe demonstrate my leadership skills and practical abilities. My hobbies also include film-making, photography, reading, music, computers and art. I play the trumpet, ukulele and bass guitar in my spare time. I have played in many concerts over the past 5 years.I always make sure to meet deadlines and in my first year at the North West Regional College (BTEC in Creative Media Production) I achieved a Distinction*.I am very proud of this result because it reflects the work and effort I put into the first year and I hope to continue at this standard in my second year. I do not see this as work, as media, visual communication and film -making are my passions. My life ambition is to apply what I love to do professionally in a career.

- S.M. Blackett - 10-13-2012 04:44 AM

Only one small point : in the second paragraph, you don't need an apostrophe in the word cameras.
I am sure that you will be in demand by universities with this personal statement.