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I need a good Harry Potter admin name? - Printable Version

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I need a good Harry Potter admin name? - Kattie Little - 08-23-2013 09:59 AM

I'm admining my first harry potter page and want to start off really cool and unique! I'm thinking something with Rose in it because of my middle name and because it's Ron and Hermione's child's name. but I don't want just Rose, I want it to be cute and creative.. any suggestions?

- Bruce - 08-23-2013 10:10 AM


- Luminous Lupin
- Potions Master
- Golden Snitch
- The Chosen One

Hope this helps!

- Gabriella - 08-23-2013 10:19 AM

Wingardium Levirosa

- Melanie - 08-23-2013 10:23 AM

You could go with Madam Rosmerta, who worked at The Three Broomsticks.
Other suggestions:
Rose the Weasley
Rosethegryffindor (or whichever house you are in. I said Gryffindor because its Ron & Hermione's house, but you could use any of the houses)

I'm sorry, I thought I could think of better ones than this when I started answering the question. You could use something to do with Scorpius, as many seem to think they'd get together when older?

Sorry I couldn't be more help, if I think of more, I'll try to edit the answer (I don't know if that's possible)

What page is it? I want to like it, I could always use more HP fan pages. Smile