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How to hide Facebook posts from parents? - Printable Version

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How to hide Facebook posts from parents? - Noah - 08-23-2013 04:53 PM

My mom is really snoopy, and she insists I have her added and other family members as a friend on there. How can I prevent this? Should I just make another account and black her and everyone else? Or just block then on the account I have? Any other suggestions?

- Nina - 08-23-2013 04:58 PM

There is a hide button, just select her name and click hide.

- Eleanor - 08-23-2013 05:03 PM

Make another facebook with like a kinda general name, so you can tell your friends, without your mom figuring it out

- Ethan - 08-23-2013 05:08 PM

There's a little gear icon on the top right of a post you're about to post, but haven't posted it yet. Click that and it'll bring up a menu of people you want to block from seeing that post and block everyone you don't want seeing the post.

- abraXus - 08-23-2013 05:22 PM

just add them to your restricted list

- Michael - 08-23-2013 05:27 PM

Your mom is trying to keep you safe. Does she look at your page all the time, or every now and then?

Here's the obvious solution: if you're ashamed to have your mom read what you post, either verbal or pictures, you shouldn't be posting it.

If your mom only checks your page every once in a while, she is trying to see if you can be trusted not to get into trouble. If you make another "secret" account, your mom WILL find out about it and you will do a lot of harm to your relationship with her because you will lose whatever trust she has in you and you will have a hard time regaining it. Show your mom you can be trusted. Even have an open discussion with her about this. Maybe she will lengthen the leash, but you must prove to her that you are responsible first.

Anyone who tells you to make a secret account is a kid, like you. They aren't thinking of you and the relationship you have with your mom. They're not thinking of how this will ruin parent/child relationships. Listen to someone who knows.