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Why do you accept a friend request on facebook from people than you don't know ? - Printable Version

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Why do you accept a friend request on facebook from people than you don't know ? - ARG - 08-23-2013 09:30 PM

Off curse this question is just to people than do it .

thanks to everyone for the answers.
If is someone than i don't know , i accept it because is attractive , do i am the only one ? =P

- Scatteredmist - 08-23-2013 09:31 PM

So how do you meet friends in the real world when you don't know them? Answer that and you've just answered your own question, simples

- Taylor - 08-23-2013 09:45 PM

Well. I do it sometimes. Depending on the picture, their wall , and how many mutual friends we have. I accept them because it get me one more friend added to my list. So. I mean I'm guessing that is somewhat why everyone else does it.

- Paul Thomas - 08-23-2013 09:57 PM

Why you gys ask like this question.

- fb guy - 08-23-2013 10:08 PM

well i do it to meet new friends i dont suppose you meet new friends by not meeting new people. do yah punk huh do yah... LOL

- Jerome - 08-23-2013 10:11 PM

thats how you make friends from people you dont know. the more friends the better.

- miami - 08-23-2013 10:13 PM

How is it attractive. It's like a stranger walking on the street that starts to talk to you about your personal life. You don't accept people you know because the are STRANGERS or STALKERS. Some people only do it to get as many friends on FB as possible.

So many things like that happen..........

- Daniel - 08-23-2013 10:20 PM

Some People Do it Because Maybe they Wanna Connect With that Person or That Person may Seem Interesting

- Hayley T - 08-23-2013 10:28 PM

some people do it coz they are lonely, some of it coz they wanna seem popular by having lots of "friends", some people accept coz they fancy the profile picture.

- Sassylover - 08-23-2013 10:32 PM

Because I want to make my friends list bigger