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why wont my facebook friends talk to me? - Printable Version

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why wont my facebook friends talk to me? - chillguy - 08-24-2013 02:26 AM

its rly annoying because i always write to them. but they never write to me. or even write back. ok maybe idk them. but who cares about facebooks INSANE rules bout knowing the people. unrealistic. no one KNOWS 1000 PEOPLE COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one follows that rule. Anyway even if i get a convo with a new person. They never bother writing back. i had to great convos with 2 new people i met on fb. NEVER WROTE BACK. it rly hurts. idk help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UBF person so ur saying i can get rejcted in person. like i cant meet people outside of facebook. they will say idk u at a park just as easily as facebook. wow some answer
next answer is EVEN WORSE THAN THE FIRST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im 23 way past HS and no ur WRONG NO ONE KNOWS 1000 PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE.

- UBF - 08-24-2013 02:30 AM

They probably don't want to talk to you because they don't know you. You'd have better chances getting friends by going outside and meeting new people. Then they'll know how you really are and you can find out if you really click.

- ? - 08-24-2013 02:31 AM

Well, the answer to your question is in your post itself. You said, "i always write to them. but they never write to me,". Maybe they find you annoying since you're always messaging them, ease back a little. Also, yes, it is possible for someone to know more than 1,000 people and be friends with them. You'll start achieving this if you go out more often rather than being inside all day on the computer or by the time you're in High School.


Wait, you're 23 and still have horrible grammar and punctuation? Well damn, the way you reply to people is the obvious reason why no one wants to talk to you. I wouldn't be friends with you either. Also, yes, people do know 1,000 people in real life and are friends. You just need to get out more, join a club of a hobby that interest you, and be more friendly with people.

- Daniel - 08-24-2013 02:46 AM

Your Gonna Have to Ask Them Why thats the Only Way to Find Out