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Why when I make a Facebook page,I don't get lots of likes? - Printable Version

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Why when I make a Facebook page,I don't get lots of likes? - Styles~Horan~Yolaa - 08-25-2013 12:09 AM

Why when I make a Facebook page,I don't get lots of likes? And others yes? PLEASE ANSWER Smile Thnks
I share some of my pages on other pages,but also,I dont get lots of likes :/

- Megan - 08-25-2013 12:11 AM

You don't get lots of likes because your page isn't popular so no one really knows of it. Try sharing it on different pages. So people will notice your page.

- completed_01 - 08-25-2013 12:14 AM

If you set up a hair salon in your bedroom and then didnt tell anyone. Would you expect hundreds of people to be lines up outside for a haircut? NO.. the reason is NO ONE KNOWS THAT YOU MADE THE FB PAGE... except YOU... if if you want likes or friends you need to join clubs or find friends people interested in the same things you like.. type in one of your likes then click it so see other peopel that like the same thing then invited them to be yer friend.