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Advice needed! mum puts picture's of her arse on Facebook!? - Printable Version

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Advice needed! mum puts picture's of her arse on Facebook!? - Chantelle - 08-25-2013 02:28 AM

Basically she just split up with my dad, she said yesterday that she wants to get back with him and that she still loves him, then she's putting picture's of her arse all over Facebook! She's friends with people from my school on Facebook! All my bullies and people that I don't get along with or really hot people have liked it! Even my crush has seen it! Now im getting bullied for her nudity! I cant belive her! I fucking hate her she doesnt think about anyone but herself!!!!!! I need your advice on what to do because im 14 and I have to live with the slut. I cant move in with my dad she has full custedy of my unfortunately!

- Zozi - 08-25-2013 02:29 AM

try talking her into this.let it all out .it is also good to cry/fake crying
tell her how much it hurts you and and ask her how would she feel if her mother did this when she was your age

let an adult from the family talk to her too

hope this helped