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Is Social Media Advertising really important? - Printable Version

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Is Social Media Advertising really important? - Get - 10-13-2012 05:14 AM

Do I need to have a twitter account, facebook or stuff like this to get more traffic? How do I get more folowers?

- Cruzmar - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

The most important benefits that you can get with Facebook are: Target of the right people. Its a source of information to design next goals. Increase your sales and contributes to improve the top of mind and the brand awareness.

Facebook is a way to promote your business by creating of effective Ads. Here, using of Sponsor is helpful.
If you give a rich content to your visitors you will also give them a reason to check and share your Page often.
Join the conversation and use the moment to provide exclusive offers to generate comments and drive engagement with them. Making feel confortable to people, this will do that they come back.

While with Twitter the main benefit associated is the real-time gathering of information.

Twitter also allow you to build an online community over which you can increase your exposure and to offer products and services to your followers.
Twitter can be a great mobile communication tool which will help you to get more traffic and followers.
This is a powerful way to manage your online reputation.
Finally through Twitter you can monitor your competitors because much information is shared via Twitter. Perhaps is related launching products or creating a new store, brand, or targeting a new niche.

- Weneeke - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

Apparently so. Especially if you are in the job market. I think some of the companies want to make sure you are an actual person. I don't know that you need an account with every one of them.
I personally think a few spoiled apples killed it for the rest of us.

- Rich Jeffersons - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

These social networking sites can really help to get more traffics to your website..To increase your followers on Twitter, post interesting news, articles and images that will benefit your readers and followers..

- Jane - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

A very interesting question indeed and also very current. You asked how important it is and my answer to that is not that important at all despite all the hype.

I have about 10 websites and 7 of those are on the first page of google.

- Kiran - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

Today Scoial media sites like facebook, twitter etc are becoming very usefull for the advertisment of buisness services, for the promotion of website etc.

- Tommy Gilbert - 10-13-2012 05:22 AM

Social Media is really important for getting more traffic to your business and more and more followers for your brand and services. I use facebook account in priority for getting more and more of sale oriented customers.