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Why do you have to have Facebook to login to Rotten Tomatoes? - Printable Version

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Why do you have to have Facebook to login to Rotten Tomatoes? - Bluerose332 - 08-26-2013 04:54 AM

I still have my RT account but I can't rate movies anymore, submit a review or any stuff like that. It's really annoying cause I love labeling movies I want to see so I don't forget to watch them later on as well as all the things mentioned before.

Plus I really don't want to get a Facebook account. I know everyone else is on it but I just don't see the point. So how come RT is doing this?

- Daniel - 08-26-2013 05:10 AM

See if there is a Another Sign Up Method Usually The Facebook Login Is Only A Optional Sign Up Process If Not Than your Out Of Luck you may have to Have a Facebook