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facebook pending request , Ive been blocked? - Printable Version

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facebook pending request , Ive been blocked? - Jessica - 08-26-2013 10:01 AM

So ive sent many request the past week and today one
so i logg in into fb & then realize that i have been blocked for 7 days
Iknow facebook doesnt tell you who has blocked you, but for example if i go to my friend's page
and it still says "FRIEND REQUEST SENT" Does that mean that he still hasnt aprove me , or i still could be block from him... or will it have to be someone else who has blocked me ?

- abraXus - 08-26-2013 10:12 AM

it still could be him - people can report you for sending friend requests without approving or denying your request

why are you breaking the rules like this? you know it gets you into trouble, yet you do it anyways?

the next time it happens you will be blocked from sending request for 14 days, and then 30, and then your account will be deleted

is that your goal? to be deleted?

- Tyler - 08-26-2013 10:21 AM

It means that when friend request sent he hasn't accepted it

- Fáyíz - 08-26-2013 10:34 AM

Facebook block you from sending requests when you have your requests rejected by many(?) people.

No. It is NOT that you have been rejected by him. He may not have noticed your request.Since it shows "friend request sent" and there is no "add friend" option, that means that, he still has not approved your request but NOT YET rejected it.

You will have an "Add Friend" option for the one who rejected your request. But when you click "add friend" button FB will say that "you have already send a request". Probably that's the people who rejected you, NOT this guy.... :-)

- Shaaze - 08-26-2013 10:49 AM

itz not the one who has blocked u..but he or she hasnt accepted ur request yet..
pls help with mine..;_ylt=AjsRHSM1MHRMgou9_t19CTbG_Nw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130617233839AAN6i24