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how to get likes on facebook compition.? when even autolike can't work..? - Printable Version

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how to get likes on facebook compition.? when even autolike can't work..? - Varun - 08-26-2013 07:22 PM

i participated in a compition in which i have to get maximum likes,
i spamed a large no of pages..and got 1.8k likes, but a asshole copied the language of my spams,,
and getting more likes,,
i'm tiered of spamming,,can someone suggest me the way of getting more likes,,
autolike feature don't work on this link..
here's the link.:
plz help..i have came this far,,i don't wanna lose.

- Raul - 08-26-2013 07:29 PM

have your mother whoop your ugly fat self for even having gay competitions like that and then add her on Facebook.

- Daniel - 08-26-2013 07:38 PM

Ask your Facebook Friends to Like