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Is he ignoreing my messages on FB? - Printable Version

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Is he ignoreing my messages on FB? - Rachel - 08-27-2013 01:30 AM

ok so i like this boy, and he knows i like him
were in the same class and i somtimes look at him but i dont think he likes me and i think hes embarressed that i like him , ive likes him for a year and a half now and i cant stop thinking about him.

on the day my friend toldl him i liked him, i sent him a message saying hi (on Facebook) and it said ''seen'' and he didnt reply, about a month later i sent another 1 and he has 'seen' it and didnt reply and i also sent a massage saying hi last saturday and it says 'seen sat 12:40' , it makes me feel worse to think that hes ignoring me and he probubly hates me or somthing, it so awkward now and if i ever look at him again he will probs think im some kind of psyco stalker so, what should i do..

no haters please.. only want helpful info
nothing like 'get over him' ive heard it all before
i have HUGE HUGE HUGE shy issues btw i cant speak to him in real life :\
stop telling me to speak to him in real life! i cant do that ok, ill probs be like hhhiiiiii then fall over or somthing...

- Spencer Killen - 08-27-2013 01:41 AM

maby hes just not a facebooker? try talking to him in real life

- Gotta Love Life - 08-27-2013 01:55 AM

If you don't want to feel like he is ignoring you, just don't contact him by messaging him. Start by saying hi to him at school and if he wants to talk to you, he can just make the first move and say hi. I personally think that you should just stop messaging him so 1) you won't feel like he is ignoring you and 2) he won't think your annoying if he already thinks that.

- amo - 08-27-2013 02:06 AM

Not a lot of people use facebook daily or addicted so just call him or talk to him in real life to find out.

- Jan409 - 08-27-2013 02:17 AM

Stop sending him messages, as he obviously has no intention of replying
or he would have done it by now
Try speaking to him in person rather in instant messages

- Kassidy - 08-27-2013 02:23 AM

I have had the same problem but the best thing you can do is try to ignore him let him come to you guys hate it when they have a girl who likes them desperately, they liked to be challenged you're being too easy for him and you need to have some self respect you are probably acting a bit desperate, guys like confidence in girls you gotta show him what he is missing!!