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How to permantly remove someone from your life? - Printable Version

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How to permantly remove someone from your life? - miley - 08-27-2013 03:05 PM

Okay so I'll try the long story short here: My old best friend/roommate turned out to be a junkie (like they injected morphine into their arms... -_-) Well we tried to work through her problem together, and I tried my best to be a supportive friend. She had left and moved away to basically the opposite state. Long story short, that didn't really go through all the way. When she had left where I was her roommate she had left ALL of her possessions, bills and problems with me (including her pets..) This all took place starting last June. We had a fight because well honestly I had discovered what a great friend I had, how they'd: talked behind my back, stole, lied, putting me into predicaments that no friend would put anyone into! The whole 9 yards. I had kept her rabbits until a month ago. I had given it away as it was a high matience animal and it wasn't getting the love and attention it truly deserved (Not like it was in a bad home I just wanted the creature to be with someone whom could give her all the attention they'd deserved). We haven't really talked talked since November, and the last time any words were exchanged that was in feburary and that was me telling her to basically sod off as I was tired of the charade! Now she had texted my phone, saying how she was back in town and she wanted her pets and stuff back! I have nothing left of hers as it's been all donated to good will (I mean I'm not a storage unit..) I changed my number, but the thing is I still work at the same place I did when before she left. I'm only finally getting my life back on track ; emotionally, finically and all that jazz and I don't want to be bothered by her. I've changed my number, and I don't have her on facebook, and those are the only ways anyone can really get a hold of me. I just really want to know how to permantly remove her from my life, so she can never bother me again, I know it sounds selfish and bitchy but if you honestly knew everything I was after going through for and because of her, you'd want to avoid at all costs too! I just don't want her to showing up and causing a scene........ So no negative comments just tips on how to PERMANTLY remove toxic people like that from your life!

- Sonya - 08-27-2013 03:09 PM

Act like you never met! Like she's a perfect (imperfect) stranger! X) hope that helps!

- Marduk - 08-27-2013 03:23 PM

Ignore totally. I know you're supposed to love everyone and all that, but how many people try to help someone when they are actually drowning in water and wind up drowning along with them. Everyone goes, Oh What A Hero!! Yeah, well better a live coward then a dead hero. You cannot save someone who won't save themselves. Now this is not the usual thing. If a buddy is down in the battlefield you are supposed to get 5 or 10 more killed trying to save them, it makes no sense. But people say you should, would they? Hell no. Don't feel guilty and if she asks for help, she probably just needs more money for drugs. I've been stabbed in the back over the years, nothing like you, but I've gladly severed relations. Only martyrs love the constant pain, don't be a martyr. The only way is to adamantly ignore them not matter what. You will get flak, if so move. You only get one life, you can't live her's too.

- Moe - 08-27-2013 03:32 PM

let her know that you dont want her in your life,if you wont she'll be still trying toi contact you

- Angeleyes - 08-27-2013 03:44 PM

Just tell her how you feel and you no longer want her in your life. You want to move on from her. You've got to be cruel to be kind.